LAST CHANCE: Sign Up for Tomorrow’s Free Compensation Webinar
Church Law & Tax’s exclusive cohorts for Advantage Members are underway. During last month’s session with leaders of small- and mid-sized congregations, one of the primary topics was compensation.
The cohort conversation generated numerous questions about worker classifications, be it for worship leaders, childcare workers, musicians, or audio/visual technicians. And questions about employee handbooks. Also ones about the ministerial exception. And about the definition of sexual harassment for employment law purposes.
Then there were several questions about the US Department of Labor’s recent changes to how overtime gets paid to certain exempt employees.
Thankfully, attorney and CPA Frank Sommerville and CPA Elaine Sommerville deftly navigated the cohort and addressed all of these questions—and then some.
If you missed out on a cohort this year, take heart. Elaine’s book, Church Compensation, Second Edition, covers many of the questions described above (and as an Advantage Member, you get 20-percent off when you log in to the store and buy).
Meanwhile, tomorrow’s free webinar will further cover those changes with overtime pay. Register now (and take our quick anonymous survey so we can discuss trends you’re experiencing).
The Lord bless you and keep you,
Matthew Branaugh
Business Owner, Church Law & Tax
Also This Week
Mandatory sexual harassment training for employers, including churches, is a growing trend in the United States and its territories.
New laws extend, and in some cases, eliminate statutes of limitations for filing civil lawsuits in connection with abuse cases.
In this two-minute video, Matt Branaugh highlights why expense reimbursements for church employees require special attention and care.
Piecing the compensation puzzle together correctly is critical to every church.
Strengthen your child ministry protections by establishing clear processes and procedures today.
It’s important for church leaders to have a working knowledge of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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