Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Virtual Training to Help Your Church Steward the Future Well
As a Church Law & Tax Advantage Member, we know you’re committed to learning and growing professionally. You want to stay current on legal, tax, and financial trends affecting churches.
You also appreciate training that equips you, your staff, and your volunteers. It’s one reason we highlight top conferences that you and your team should attend each year.
That’s why I’m really excited about Church Law & Tax’s sponsorship of attorney Erika Cole’s virtual Church Compliance Conference on September 19. As you hopefully know, Erika is a longtime senior editorial advisor for Church Law & Tax and the host of its Church Law podcast.
Her virtual conference—now in its 17th year—hits an important theme this year: preparing your church to steward the future well.
The event will include an exclusive interview between Erika and Richard Hammar, senior editor and co-founder of Church Law & Tax. I’m also honored to join Erika for a Q&A panel.
Since Church Law & Tax is sponsoring this event, you’re eligible for a 20-percent discount to attend (you can choose from an all-access group ticket, an individual ticket that includes a companion guide and conference replay, or a single admission ticket).
We hope to see you virtually on September 19!
The Lord bless you and keep you,
Matthew Branaugh, Business Owner
Also This Week
How does a church start right and grow in a healthy way? Executive Pastor Peter Olson, shares his insights.
Is your worship music too loud? We evaluate the risks to churches, worshippers, and guests when the decibel levels rise to high.
Case reveals how ‘love offerings’ raise many complex questions and issues for churches, church leaders.
Learn which local, state, and federal laws and regulations apply to religious organizations and which ones do not.
Using Information Technology for the Mission of the Church
Find comprehensive help understanding United States tax laws as they relate to pastors and churches with Richard Hammar’s 2024 Church & Clergy Tax Guide.
Church Law & Tax Advantage Member
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