Join ChurchSalary and Church Law & Tax for a free webinar on Wed., August 21 at 1 PM CT. Our expert panel will explore current pay trends and how your church can be proactive and stay ahead of rising costs.
Also This Week
Mandatory sexual harassment training for employers, including churches, is a growing trend in the United States and its territories.
New laws extend, and in some cases, eliminate statutes of limitations for filing civil lawsuits in connection with abuse cases.
In this two-minute video, Matt Branaugh highlights why expense reimbursements for church employees require special attention and care.
Strengthen your child ministry protections by establishing clear processes and procedures today.
Strengthen and ensure your church’s financial health by using a variety of measurement methods crafted to specifically help many different types of churches.
Look to church law and tax expert and Richard R. Hammar for the answers youツ値l need to begin your ministry with legal and financial clarity and integrity.
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