• Have you ever wondered what your chances are if you appeal an adverse IRS decision? The IRS Annual Report contains some revealing information on this vital subject. Note the following: (1) in 1988, the IRS won outright 40% of cases appealed by taxpayers to the United States Tax Court (up from 38% in 1987), while taxpayers won in only 4.7% of the cases (down from 5.2% in 1987); (2) the IRS won in 85% of the cases appealed by taxpayers to federal district courts (up from 81% in 1987), while taxpayers won in only 11% of the cases (down from 16%); (3) the IRS won in 75% of all tax cases appealed to federal appeals courts (down from 85%), while taxpayers won in 17% of the cases; and (4) the good news—the IRS won in only one of three tax cases before the United States Supreme Court (they won one of six tax cases before the Supreme Court in 1987).
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