Asked, Answered: Are Gift Cards Really Just Gifts? Gift cards are a simple yet powerful way of blessing others. But there are some very real tax strings attached. The Editors
Q&A: Beware Giving Volunteers Cash, Gift Cards, and Gifts It's natural to want to bless volunteers with cash, gift cards, and gifts. But how you do it matters to you, them and the IRS. Frank Sommerville
How Church-Run Coffee Shops, Bookstores, and Other Ventures Can Trigger Tax Liability Seven articles to help you understand unrelated business income. The Editors
Q&A: Are Items Sold in Our Church’s Welcome Center Considered Unrelated Business Income? What to know before stocking up on T-shirts and coffee mugs with your church logo. Frank Sommerville
Integrating Tax Reform for 2018—and Beyond Ten notable changes, and what they mean, for churches and their employees. The Editors
Cell Tower Leases: Easy Money or Never-ending Headaches? What churches need to know before renting their property to a communications company. Heidi Hall
The Tax Code’s “No Inurement” Limitation Failure to meet certain conditions can jeopardize a church's exempt status. Richard R. Hammar
Monetary Gifts for Pastors Who Leave Churches must follow special rules when it comes to monetary gifts. Frank Sommerville
A Closer Look at the Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Ruling The decision's potential effects on churches and clergy. Richard R. Hammar
Church Finance Today and Beautiful Orthodoxy What Christianity Today's ministry cause means for church financial leaders.
Filing the 6056 Return Filing 6056 returns is a requirment for applicable large employers under the Affordable Care Act. Richard R. Hammar
Church Bulletin Basics The legal and philosophical considerations behind your church’s weekly handout. Bonnie McMaken
Kentucky Court Dismisses Atheists’ Challenge to Church and Clergy Tax Provisions Conclusion: groups lacked 'standing' in order for federal case to proceed. Richard R. Hammar
Kentucky Court’s Ruling Favors Churches, Clergy Judge’s opinion may shed light on how Wisconsin housing allowance appeal may go. Ashley Moore
IRS Notice 2013-54 Poses Changes for Many Churches Church-paid medical insurance premiums face taxation. Richard R. Hammar
Form 8822-B Requirement Includes Churches IRS seeks contact information for tax-related communications. Richard R. Hammar
Sorting Out the Form 8822-B for Churches What this new IRS requirement means for congregations nationwide. Richard R. Hammar
IRS Form 8822-B: A New Reporting Requirement for Churches What church leaders should know now, including an upcoming deadline. Richard R. Hammar
Q&A: Are Proceeds From the Church Community Center Taxable? A prime outreach opportunity raises financial, tax considerations. Frank Sommerville