Legal Library

The Legal Library section of offers you searchable access to reference materials such as Richard R. Hammar’s Pastor, Church, and Law: Your Ultimate Reference Guide to understanding the legal issues and responsibilities of the church in America. Additional reference books will be added soon.

Pastor, Church & Law

Have you ever done an internet search only to come up with too many results with conflicting advice? Whether you are looking for answers on church liability, federal reporting requirements, incorporation, or the legal authority of pastors, Pastor, Church & Law is your definitive answer on every legal issue your church could face.

Table of Contents

  1. 1Definitions and Status
      1. § 01.03.01Social Security
      2. § 01.03.02Income Taxes
      3. § 01.03.03Retirement Plans
      4. § 01.03.04Legal Liability
      1. § 02.01.06Negligent Selection
    1. § 2.02The Contract
    2. § 2.03Compensation
    3. § 2.04Termination
      1. § 03.07.01A "Communication"
      2. § 03.07.02Made in Confidence
      3. § 03.07.03To a Minister
      1. § 03.08.02Marriage Counseling
      2. § 03.08.09Confidentiality
      3. § 03.08.11Church Records
    1. § 4.01Negligence
      1. § 04.02.03Defenses
  2. 5Definitions
      1. § 05.01.01Churches
      2. § 05.01.02Mail Order Churches
    1. § 5.02Zoning Law
      1. § 05.02.02Accessory Uses
      2. § 05.02.01Churches
      1. § 06.01.01Characteristics
    1. § 6.02Corporations
      1. § 06.03.01Inspection
      1. § 06.04.01State Law
      2. § 06.04.02Federal Law
    2. § 6.05Church Names
      1. § 06.06.02Authority
      2. § 06.06.03Meetings
      3. § 06.06.04Removal
      1. § 06.07.01Tort Liability
      2. § 06.07.06Securities Law
      3. § 06.07.10Loans to Directors
      4. § 06.07.02Contract Liability
      1. § 06.09.02Authority
      1. § 06.12.02Minutes
      2. § 06.12.06Who May Attend
    3. § 6.15Dissolution
  3. 7Church Property
    1. § 7.06Zoning Law
    2. § 7.09Nuisance
    3. § 7.10Landmarking
      1. § 07.20.05Skate Ramps
      2. § 07.20.06Sound Rooms
    4. § 7.21Embezzlement
  4. 8Employment Law
    1. § 8.04Immigration
      1. § 08.08.01Enterprises
      2. § 08.08.02Individual Coverage
      3. § 08.08.05Exemptions
      4. § 08.08.06Ministers
      5. § 08.08.07State Laws
      6. § 08.08.08Case Studies
      1. § 08.09.01Counting Employees
      1. § 08.12.05Sexual Harassment
    2. § 8.27Arbitration
    3. § 8.30Insurance 
    1. § 9.01Introduction
    2. § 9.05Copyright Law
      1. § 09.05.01Copyright Ownership
      2. § 09.05.02Works Made for Hire
      3. § 09.05.03Exclusive Rights
      4. § 09.05.04Infringement
      5. § 09.05.06Electronic Media
  5. 10Church Legal Liability
      1. § 10.02.02Negligent Conduct
      1. § 10.04.03Risk Management
      1. § 10.07.03Risk Management
      1. § 10.09.03Risk Management
      1. § 10.11.01Risk Management
      1. § 10.12.01Risk Management
      1. § 10.13.03Risk Management
    1. § 10.14Ratification
    2. § 10.15Defamation
      1. § 10.16.02Assumption of Risk
      2. § 10.16.03Intervening Cause
      3. § 10.16.05Charitable Immunity
      4. § 10.16.06Release Forms
      5. § 10.16.07Insurance
      6. § 10.16.08Other Defenses
      1. § 10.17.01Punitive Damages
      2. § 10.17.02Duplicate Verdicts
      1. § 10.18.04Risk Management
      1. § 10.05.03Risk Management
      1. § 10.10.03Risk Management
      1. § 12.01.01The Lemon Test
      1. § 12.02.01The Smith Case
      2. § 12.02.04Conclusions

As a companion to our legal library, these helpful .pdfs (a study guide and supplement) will help facilitate your use of the library within an academic setting.

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