A VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE Introduction: Religious Land Use & The Church A five-part series on an often overlooked law that can benefit churches.
RLUIPA Case Study: City Walk Urban Mission How one religious organization successfully navigated zoning codes. Matthew Branaugh
Video Series Religious Land Use & The Church: A Virtual Roundtable A virtual roundtable of attorneys discusses an often overlooked religious land use law. Featuring attorneys Midgett Parker, John Mauck, Noel Sterrett, Eric Treene, and Matthew Branaugh
Eleven Things Churches Should Know About Zoning What to note before buying or constructing your next building. John Mauck
Build For Efficiency Keeping your dream facility from becoming an annual budget nightmare. Thomas G. Dolan
Sharing Space with Outside Groups Being listed as "additional insured" may not reduce risk of liability. Richard R. Hammar
Energy Efficiency Pays Off Being a good steward of the planet's resources is financially beneficial. Matt Donnelly
The Dirt on Real Estate Disclosures What must be revealed before a property is sold? Richard R. Hammar
Q&A: Meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Does our church need to meet ADA requirements? David Middlebrook
Zoned Out Why churches end up on the outskirts of town—and what you can do about it. Richard R. Hammar