7 Keys to Pastoral Retirement Planning A wide range of legal, financial, and tax issues come into play in the area of pastoral retirement planning. Richard R. Hammar
Keeping Your Church’s Deposits Safe in a Jittery Bank Environment Silicon Valley Bank’s failure shows we never really know whether a bank is truly safe and sound. Michael E. Batts
On-Demand Webinar Church and Nonprofit Ministry Finance: Planning for the New Normal Discussing how the pandemic has challenged church and nonprofit ministry finance, finding the new normals, and more. Featuring Michael E. Batts, CPA
Advantage Member Exclusive Rethinking Your Church’s Budgeting Process for 2021 On-Demand Webinar: Guidance on how church leaders can adjust their current budgeting processes to adapt to changes caused by the pandemic. Featuring Michael E. Batts, CPA
Will Your Church’s “Good Faith Certification” for a Paycheck Protection Loan Come into Question? For loans under $2 million, the SBA will assume the borrower determined in “good faith” that it met the PPP loan requirement. Frank Sommerville and Cory Halliburton
New Stimulus Funding Replenishes Paycheck Protection Program Churches still in need of a forgivable loan should immediately restart their efforts. The Editors
Q&A: How Should Churches Handle the Bookkeeping for Paycheck Protection Loans? Also, do you recommend a separate bank account for these loans? Vonna Laue
Church Loan Modifications in a Crisis Restructuring your church’s debt when full payment, or any payment, becomes difficult. Vonna Laue and Michelle Sanchez
Recommended Reading Online Giving: How to Start or Strengthen It Editor's picks of articles and information to help you keep offerings coming in. The Editors
SBA: Religious Liberty Protections Will be Provided with Loan Program SBA says religious liberty protections will be maintained with loan program for small employers affected by pandemic. The Editors
The Role of Your Church Board in Providing Financial Oversight Consider the value of strong finance and audit subcommittees with specific responsibilities. Rob Faulk
Know Your Audience: Tips for Church Financial Reporting Church financial reporting is a crucial part of church governance. That's why it's wise to remember your audience. The Editors
Church Mortgage Applications: Key Insights for Success Discover tips for church mortgage applications, from avoiding consultants to demonstrating financial leadership and accountability. Bobby Ross Jr., AI Optimized
How Churches Can Avoid Financial Trouble: Expert Insights Expert tips for churches on managing financial trouble and avoiding bankruptcy through strategic turnaround plans. Ashley Moore, AI Optimized
Managing Credit Card Transaction Fees for Church Donations Understand how to manage credit card transaction fees for church donations effectively and ensure proper accounting practices. Michael E. Batts