Advantage Members Making a Case for Church Trademarks Making a case for church trademarks is not only about sound legal principles, but marking differences in church doctrine. Nathan A. Adams IV
Best Practices for Recording Church Events and Activities From worship services to children's programs and business meetings, a sound policy ensures legal compliance. Sally Wagenmaker and Micah Chetta
Hey, Fletch: Is Our Church Website Violating Copyright Law? Streaming music and other activities raise several legal issues. David Fletcher
Understanding Worship Music Copyright Law Staying legal is important, but we might not always grasp exactly why, or who benefits. Bonnie McMaken
What Churches Should Know about Trademarks and Website Addresses Legal protections for domain names vary. Here's what to note. Richard R. Hammar
Should Small Churches Worry about Protecting Names? One small church's trademark fight with Adidas suggests yes. Ashley Grace Emmert
Going Beyond the Church Name Church content and programs also may need trademark protection. Nancy LeSourd
The Importance of Trademarks for Churches Your ministry's goodwill and reputation are on the line. Kenneth E. Liu
Protecting the Church’s Name Names and trademarks are good stewardship. Here's how to do it. Chip Grange