SBA’s PPP Changes May Help Churches with Loan Forgiveness Agency announces new direct forgiveness portal, removal of necessity questionnaires. Matthew Branaugh
Fraud Alert: What to Watch for Now That PPP Loan Amounts Are Public Churches should be aware of fraudsters posing as lenders or SBA staff. Michael E. Batts
Applying for PPP Loan Forgiveness The latest instructions to help ensure the maximum amount of your church’s loan converts to a nontaxable grant. Ted R. Batson, Jr. and Brent Baumann
Will Your Church’s “Good Faith Certification” for a Paycheck Protection Loan Come into Question? For loans under $2 million, the SBA will assume the borrower determined in “good faith” that it met the PPP loan requirement. Frank Sommerville and Cory Halliburton
Q&A: How Should Churches Handle the Bookkeeping for Paycheck Protection Loans? Also, do you recommend a separate bank account for these loans? Vonna Laue
Church Loan Modifications in a Crisis Restructuring your church’s debt when full payment, or any payment, becomes difficult. Vonna Laue and Michelle Sanchez
SBA: Religious Liberty Protections Will be Provided with Loan Program SBA says religious liberty protections will be maintained with loan program for small employers affected by pandemic. The Editors
Understanding the 5 C’s of Church Mortgage Financing Explore the 5 C's of church mortgage financing for informed financial planning and debt management. Michael E. Batts
Church Mortgage Applications: Key Insights for Success Discover tips for church mortgage applications, from avoiding consultants to demonstrating financial leadership and accountability. Bobby Ross Jr.
Q&A: No-Interest Loans Can we provide an interest-free emergency loan to a church member? Frank Sommerville
What Churches Should Know About No Interest Loans What are the tax implications or potential penalties of doing so? Richard R. Hammar
The Danger of “Exclusive” Contracts Such contracts can force a church to sign on a loan it doesn't want. Richard R. Hammar
Making Late Payments on Mortgage Loans Georgia case illustrates potential effects of missing loan payments. Richard R. Hammar
The Pitfalls of Borrowing Funds from Church Members A Tennessee court issues a helpful ruling. Richard R. Hammar
Forgiving Our Debtors May Jeopardize Tax-Exempt Status What a church should know before forgiving its debtors. Richard R. Hammar