Church-Run Schools Face Annual Deadline for Federal Form Leaders should not overlook the Form 5578, an oft-forgotten IRS requirement. Richard R. Hammar
Supreme Court Endorses Some Aid to Parents of Religious School Students Parents of religious school students may receive state aid, Supreme Court says. Richard R. Hammar
Three Steps to Determine If Government Actions Affect Public Gatherings These three steps can help churches determine if local government actions affect their gatherings. David Middlebrook
Annual Nondiscriminatory Policy Reporting Deadline Looms for Church-Run Schools Filing Form 5578 is one of the most commonly ignored federal requirements of church-run schools and preschools. Richard R. Hammar
Churches, Schools, and the Unvaccinated Movement Recent outbreaks remind leaders of the precautions they must take. Lisa A. Runquist
Annual Deadline Looms for Church-Run Schools Racial nondiscrimination certificate is one of the most neglected federal reporting requirements.
Churches and Released Time Programs for Public Schools Steps for developing and maintaining a constitutionally sound effort. Sarah E. Merkle
Religious Schools Face Deadline for Annual Nondiscrimination Form Federal requirement includes church-run preschool programs. Richard R. Hammar
Religious Activities by Public School Students Many activities are permissible according to new Department of Education guidelines Richard R. Hammar