Advantage Member Exclusive Getting 2021 Year-End Tasks Right On-Demand Webinar: CPA and attorney Richard Hammar lists eleven critical tasks to focus on as 2021 draws to a close. Richard R. Hammar
Recommended Reading Housing Allowance Basics Learn and understand more about the most important tax advantage available to ministers—the housing allowance. The Editors
Why Pastors Must Pay Federal Income Taxes Ministers aren't exempt, so why do some still try to avoid them? Richard R. Hammar
Neglecting to “Render Unto Caesar” Failure to file income tax returns can get new ministers into hot water. Richard R. Hammar
IRS Offers Help for Completing Forms Hotline provides assistance with W-2, 1099s, and other documents. Richard R. Hammar
Two Confusing Tax-Filing Issues Simple answers to vexing questions for new—and veteran—ministers. Richard R. Hammar
A High Price to Pay Church pastors, leaders may be liable for not withholding payroll taxes. Richard R. Hammar
Q&A: Annually Reviewing W-4s for Church Employees An annual review of W-4s by church employees can best address changes affecting their tax situations. Richard R. Hammar
Getting Payroll Right Failure to comply with laws can prove costly for churches. Elaine L. Sommerville
Churches and the New “HIRE” Act Why now may be the best time to bring on more staff. Richard R. Hammar
Q&A: When Ministers Fail to File Our pastor has not filed a tax return in years—what should we do? Richard R. Hammar
What to Know About Withholding Payroll Taxes The IRS takes W-4s seriously, and so should you. Richard R. Hammar
Employees Who Claim Tax-Exemption and Donating to Mission Trips Should we honor an employee's request to discontinue withholding taxes? Richard R. Hammar
The Supreme Court Addresses Taxes For the first time in 73 years, the United States Supreme Court affirmed the right Richard R. Hammar
Your Finance Questions, July 2008 Q: One of our church employees has informed us that he considers himself to be
Common Mistakes in Tax Returns IRS notice lists several common mistakes taxpayers make in their returns. IRS Notice