How to Establish a 501(c)(3) Ministry at Church

Explore the key steps for establishing a 501(c)(3) ministry at your church to expand your programs and comply with tax laws.

Last Reviewed: January 10, 2025

Q: We’re looking for funding to help with summer activities for youth, such as day care programs, field trips, community involvement, tutoring, etc. Since we originally included education as a part of our ministry, would these activities fall under the church’s bylaws, or do we need to establish a new 501(c)(3) as a separate entity apart from the church? If so, would we need to set up a new corporation, complete with board of directors, bylaws, articles of incorporation, etc.?

Key Considerations for Establishing a 501(c)(3) Ministry

Churches sometimes form separate 501(c)(3) organizations to carry out certain activities. While the church itself is a 501(c)(3) organization, there are several practical reasons why a separate entity might be beneficial:

  • Liability Protection: Forming a separate corporation can help insulate the church from liability associated with specific activities.
  • Grant Funding: Many grant funders prefer or require grants to be given to non-church organizations, which can make a separate 501(c)(3) more attractive.
  • Operational Focus: A distinct entity allows for clear management and accountability for specific programs or initiatives.

Since churches are already 501(c)(3) organizations, federal tax law generally permits them to carry out activities similar to those of a subsidiary 501(c)(3). However, the following factors must be considered:

  • Alignment with Mission: Activities must align with the stated mission and purposes of the church as outlined in its governing documents.
  • Amendments to Governing Documents: If activities fall outside the church’s current mission, the governing documents, such as the bylaws, can be amended to reflect the changes. Consult with legal counsel for guidance.
  • Liability Insulation: A separate 501(c)(3) can provide protection from liability and create clarity around operational responsibilities.

Steps to Establish a Separate 501(c)(3)

To establish a new 501(c)(3) ministry, follow these steps:

  1. Draft articles of incorporation and file them with the state.
  2. Develop bylaws that define the organization’s purpose and operations.
  3. Appoint a board of directors to oversee the new entity.
  4. File Form 1023 with the IRS to apply for tax-exempt status.
  5. Establish policies and procedures for governance and operations.

It is critical to work with legal counsel to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations during the setup process.

The decision to establish a separate 501(c)(3) should be made in consultation with legal counsel. They can evaluate whether the activities align with the church’s mission and advise on potential liability risks, amendments to governing documents, and the operational structure of a new entity.


  • What is a 501(c)(3) organization?
    A 501(c)(3) is a tax-exempt organization recognized by the IRS for charitable, religious, or educational purposes.
  • Do churches need a separate 501(c)(3) for youth programs?
    Not necessarily. Churches can conduct activities under their existing status if they align with their mission and purposes.
  • How long does it take to establish a 501(c)(3)?
    The process can take several months, depending on state filing timelines and IRS processing times.
  • What costs are involved in creating a 501(c)(3)?
    Costs include state filing fees, legal fees, and IRS application fees, which vary based on the organization’s size.
Michael (Mike) E. Batts is a CPA and the managing partner of Batts Morrison Wales & Lee, P.A., an accounting firm dedicated exclusively to serving nonprofit organizations across the United States.
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