Senior Editorial Advisors

Sally Wagenmaker

Sally Wagenmaker is a founder and partner in the Chicago office of Wagenmaker & Oberly, a law firm serving churches and nonprofits nationwide. She provides legal counsel in corporate, tax, employment, and real estate matters for clients, including churches and other religious organizations, social service providers, and schools. Her law firm’s values include trustworthiness, cost efficiency, creative collaboration, mutual respect, and community engagement, consistent with Proverbs 11:24–25.

Wagenmaker speaks regularly and writes through her law firm’s blog. She has authored numerous articles on tax-exempt topics, including religious liberty issues, state exemption, governance, and political advocacy. Wagenmaker is past-president of Christian Legal Society. She is also a member of the Illinois, Michigan, and Georgia bars.

Wagenmaker earned her law degree from Emory University School of Law and her undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi.

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