Can Churches Use Restricted Funds for Adoption Assistance?

Learn the legal guidelines for handling restricted funds for adoption assistance in churches, ensuring donations remain tax-deductible.

Last Reviewed: January 23, 2025

Q: There are families in our church who are trying to adopt. Can people who give money to specific families through our adoption funding ministry still receive a tax deduction on the money given?

Understanding Restricted Funds and Tax-Deductible Donations

Adoption funding is a significant area of concern when it comes to restricted giving. While it is natural to want to support families adopting children, there are strict rules regarding how donations are handled. Donations made to benefit a specific individual or family are typically considered personal gifts—not tax-deductible charitable contributions.

When donors give to a church or charity to provide general adoption funds, these gifts are tax-deductible because the church or charity retains control over how the funds are distributed. Conversely, if the donation specifies a particular family, it is classified as a personal gift, not a charitable one.

The Crowdfunding Challenge

Crowdfunding has complicated the landscape of charitable giving. Many well-meaning donors want to support specific families, raising funds on an individual basis. However, such campaigns often fail to meet the IRS criteria for tax-deductibility. For donations to remain tax-deductible, churches and charities must ensure that funds are raised for the cause of adoption in general, rather than for individual families.

Guidelines for Church Adoption Funding Programs

To comply with IRS regulations, churches must ensure that all fundraising efforts are tied to projects, not individuals. Here are some key points:

  • Donations should be made to the church or charity with the intent to support adoption as a cause.
  • Donors may express a preference for which family should benefit, but the organization must retain control over how funds are allocated.
  • If donations are specifically restricted to one family, they are considered personal gifts and not eligible for a tax deduction.

Churches must carefully manage adoption funding programs to ensure legal and ethical compliance. This involves adhering to IRS regulations and maintaining transparency about how donations are used. By focusing on general adoption projects rather than individual families, churches can help ensure that funds remain tax-deductible while supporting the broader cause of adoption.

Additional Resources

For more information on managing restricted funds and ensuring compliance, refer to the IRS guidelines for charities and non-profits. Churches can also consult Church Law & Tax resources for expert insights on fundraising and donations.

FAQs About Restricted Funds for Adoption Assistance

  • Can a donor suggest a family to receive funds? Yes, but the church or charity must retain ultimate control over the allocation of funds to maintain tax-deductibility.
  • What happens if a donation is restricted to one family? Such donations are considered personal gifts and are not tax-deductible.
  • How can churches ensure compliance? By establishing clear policies that tie donations to general adoption projects rather than specific families.
  • Are crowdfunding campaigns tax-deductible? Only if the funds are raised for a charitable cause or organization, not for a specific individual.

By following these guidelines, churches can create adoption funding programs that align with IRS regulations and support families in a compliant and ethical manner.

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