Q&A: Can Church Employees Receive Tax-Free Assistance for COVID-Related Hardships? Section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code allows you to offer nontaxable financial help for expenses directly related to the coronavirus. Frank Sommerville
Q&A: Do 1099 Forms Need to Be Issued to People Receiving Charitable Funds? The benevolence distributions to a particular individual must represent a legitimate charitable distribution. Richard R. Hammar
Q&A: Can restricted funds be used for anything but their intended purpose? The decision to do so involves both relational and legal considerations. Michael E. Batts
Q&A: Can We Help Specific Families Raise Money for Adoptions? The second a gift goes to a specific person, it becomes a personal gift, not a charitable one. Dan Busby
Q&A: Restricting Donations for a Church Member in Need The better way is for the church to create a benevolence fund administered by the church. Frank Sommerville
Sample Benevolence Fund Policy Here is sample wording for a church benevolence fund policy: First Church, in the exercise Richard R. Hammar
Benevolence Programs that Work How churches can effectively meet the ever-increasing needs for financial assistance. Elaine L. Sommerville
Are Designated Gifts for Individuals Tax Deductible? It’s a common scenario at local churches across the country: A member faces a significant
Q&A: Is Benevolence for a Church Employee Taxable? Important information to address this common tax question. Frank Sommerville
When Benevolence Ministry Becomes Risky Around lunchtime on a Friday, a man entered a Boston-area church and soon left with Michelle Dowell
No Form 1099 to Benevolence Recipients, Says IRS Recipients of gifts from a benevolence fund do not need to fill out the form. Richard R. Hammar