Can Churches Bar Service Animals? Before your church considers barring service animals, it is good to understand the legal and ministerial dimensions. Richard R. Hammar
Getting Proactive About Illness Prevention in Our Churches How the pandemic has shaped the way church leaders mitigate the spread of sicknesses—and what to expect going forward. James F. Cobble Jr.
Best Practices for Recording Church Events and Activities From worship services to children's programs and business meetings, a sound policy ensures legal compliance. Sally Wagenmaker and Micah Chetta
Recommended Reading How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in Your Church New research confirms it does happen in ministry and the trend isn't changing. The Editors
Are We Prepared for a Sexual Misconduct Allegation? Use this checklist to help prepare for a sexual harassment allegation in your church. Lorie Quicke
How Seven States Mandate Employers to Train on Sexual Harassment The similarities—and distinctives—of these training laws that churches in each state should understand. Myron Steeves
What Churches Should Know About State-Mandated Sexual Harassment Training Laws Some states now require employers to train annually on harassment, and don’t exempt churches. More states may follow suit. Myron Steeves
Do We Have Clear Procedures for Facility Use? Discover if your church is prepared to share its property.
Are We Using Social Media Safely? How well do you understand the risks that exist on social media sites?
How to Investigate a Sexual Harassment Allegation Seven steps to take when an allegation arises—and when outside help may prove wisest. William R. Thetford Jr. and H. Robert Showers
Seven Steps for Creating an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy A strong sexual harassment policy policy not only can provide protection for all involved, but also can serve as a deterrent. William R. Thetford Jr. and H. Robert Showers
Determining Financial Policies for Your Church How to identify the policies needed for sound financial management. Michael E. Batts
Protecting Your Church from Cyber Threats Three experts discuss the tactics targeting churches—and why leaders must remain vigilant. Bobby Ross Jr.
When Expenses Eclipse Your Church’s Budget Does your church have a plan for responding to when expenses eclipse the budget? Use this resource to guide those conversations. Michael E. Batts
Why Every Church Needs a Sexual Harassment Policy The growing numbers of allegations highlight the need for appropriate responses. Richard R. Hammar
Are Your Church IT Policies Too Restrictive? Promote collaboration across church staff with these key reminders. Caitlin Edwards
Some Churches Keep Their Budgets Rolling Navigating unexpected ups and downs with an alternative budget. Michael E. Batts
Why Churches Need Whistleblower Policies for Accountability Discover how whistleblower policies help churches ensure accountability, transparency, and integrity among their leaders. Samuel Ogles
The Brand and Value of a Church What’s in a name? For churches, it could be more than you think. Gisele Kalonzo-Douglas