Key Tax Dates November 2022

Monthly and semiweekly requirements for depositing payroll taxes.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941.

Withheld taxes include:

  • Federal income taxes withheld from employee wages
  • The employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes
  • The employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period noted above, then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note: Large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day.

The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll.

Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Key Date: November 10, 2022

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of October 31 if all taxes for the third calendar quarter have been deposited in full and on time.

Note: If a date listed for filing a return or making a tax payment falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday (either national or statewide in a state where the return is required to be filed), the return or tax payment is due on the following business day.

Note: You must use electronic funds transfer to make all federal employment tax deposits. This is generally done using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, a free service provided by the U.S. Department of Treasury. If you don’t wish to use EFTPS, you can arrange for your tax professional, financial institution, or payroll service to make deposits on your behalf. Failure to make a timely deposit may subject you to a 10-percent penalty.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Part 5 of 6

Title VII and Church Employment Practices

How the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Title VII’s term “sex” affects church employment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects workers from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Since Title VII’s inception, the statute has included an exemption for “religious organizations.”

This exemption became more critical for many churches after the US Supreme Court recently interpreted Title VII’s term “sex” to include sexual orientation, sexual perception, gender identity, and transgender individuals (Bostock v. Clayton County, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020). But, the Supreme Court stated that its decision should not apply to religious organizations.

The Court’s words regarding the religious exemption bring little comfort to many in the religious community. But the Court did not indicate how it might rule regarding the religious exemption and the new definition of “sex.” Churches and the courts had already struggled with the application of the exemption for religious organizations. Now they face greater challenges in determining its application to the employment practices of religious organizations, especially when it comes to the new definition of “sex,” if compliance with the new definition violates their religious beliefs.

This article examines the scope of this exemption and explores how the statute applies to churches and religious ministries.

History of Title VII

In 1963, President Kennedy asked Congress to pass comprehensive civil rights legislation, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed the following year. The statute protected voting rights and prohibited discrimination in federal programs and public accommodations.

The Civil Rights Act was controversial from its initial drafting, with many in Congress opposing one part or another. Like many other difficult-to-pass bills, the bill was altered to gain enough congressional support to make it into law. For example, since the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution limits the federal authority to matters of interstate commerce, Title VII was limited to employers engaged in interstate commerce with 15 or more employees for each workday during 20 weeks of a calendar year (42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a), et seq).

Note. The italics used in the quoted matter in the following section have been added for emphasis.

Another sticking point was its application to churches and other religious employers. The First Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits Congress from passing statutes restricting the free exercise of religion. The House Judiciary Committee requested a complete exemption for religious organizations from Title VII to reflect this constitutional requirement. The Senate disagreed, believing the request was broader than necessary under the First Amendment.

The Senate changed the exemption to read:

[Title VII] shall not apply … to a religious corporation, association, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such[organization] of its religious activities.

Afterward, the House agreed to the amended exemption, and President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law.

But problems immediately arose in the enforcement of the religious exemption. The US Department of Labor (DOL) interpreted the exemption to apply only to members of that religious group employed to perform religious activities. This interpretation forced the DOL to decide what activities were religious and how many religious activities were required before the exemption could be applied to a specific position.

Congress reconsidered the religious organization exemption in 1972. The issue arose in the creation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After failing to secure a complete exemption as the House had initially wanted, the final bill deleted the word “religious” before the word “activities” in the statute.

Currently, Title VII states that it “shall not apply … to a religious corporation, association, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such … [organization] of its activities” (42 U.S.C. § 2000e-1(a)).

The United States Congress Conference Report after the 1972 amendment stated:

The limited exemption … for religious corporations, associations, educational institutions or societies has been broadened to allow such entities to employ individuals of a particular religion in all their activities instead of the present limitation to religious activities.

The Conference Report also noted, however, that religious organizations “remain subject to the provisions of Title VII with regard to race, color, sex or national origin.”

What qualifies as a religious organization for a Title VII exemption?

Because Congress has not intervened since 1972, the courts have been required to create tests and criteria to determine a “religious organization” for Title VII’s exemption. Without congressional guidance, interpretation of this exemption has been subject to wildly different interpretations by the DOL, the EEOC, law professors, and the courts. Even within some judicial districts, the judges do not interpret the exemption consistently. No universally accepted definition exists to identify a religious organization used in Title VII.

No single test exists, and no test is used universally for determining whether an entity qualifies as a religious organization. An IRS determination that the organization has church status has little or no bearing on whether the organization meets the Title VII religious organization test because the tests are different. After making that observation, the courts will typically look at, and weigh, one or more of these factors:

  1. whether the entity operates for a profit,
  2. whether it produces a secular product,
  3. whether the entity’s articles of incorporation or other pertinent documents state a religious purpose,
  4. whether it is owned, affiliated with or financially supported by a formally religious entity such as a church or synagogue,
  5. whether a formally religious entity participates in the [entity’s] management, for instance, by having representatives on the board of trustees,
  6. whether the entity holds itself out to the public as secular or sectarian,
  7. whether the entity regularly includes prayer or other forms of worship in its activities,
  8. whether it includes religious instruction in its curriculum, to the extent it is an educational institution, and
  9. whether its membership is made up of coreligionists.

LeBoon v. Lancaster Jewish Community Center, 503 F.3d 217, 226 (3d Cir. 2007).

While traditional churches may easily qualify, parachurch ministries have more difficulty. For example, the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal from the Washington Supreme Court, finding the state exemption from its state nondiscrimination statute for “religious organizations” did not protect the Seattle Gospel Mission from liability for failing to hire an attorney in a same-sex marriage case (Seattle Gospel Mission v. Woods, 142 S.Ct. 1094 (2022)).

Likewise, another court found that a downtown mission organization was not a religious organization for Title VII because it was not affiliated with a particular denomination or church (Scaffidi v. New Orleans Mission, 2020 WL 1531266 (E.D. La. 2020)).

In contrast, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that World Vision qualified for the religious organization exemption from Title VII. In a 2–1 decision, the court held that World Vision could terminate three employees because they changed their religious beliefs (Spencer v. World Vision, Inc., 619 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2010)).

But the three judges could not agree on the test to evaluate whether an entity meets the definition of a religious organization. The dissenting judge would have limited the exemption to organizations that gather members together for prayer and religious instruction.

One of the judges affirmed World Vision’s status under this test:

(1) does the organization self-identify as a religious organization in its governing documents?

(2) does the organization engage in religious activities to further its religious purposes, and

(3) does it hold itself out to the public as a religious organization?

The other affirming judge added another factor to the above three-item list: Does the organization not engage in the exchange of goods and services for money?

From these brief examples, one can conclude that churches and parachurch ministries should examine the nine criteria listed above and determine how they can best meet the criteria if they plan to seek an exemption from Title VII. At a minimum, they should review their governing documents, incorporate a statement of beliefs into governance documents and policies, and represent to the public that they are a religious organization.

Title VII’s application

Once an organization believes it meets the qualifications required to be classified as a religious organization, it must determine what portion of Title VII’s nondiscrimination provisions apply.

An examination of the applicable court cases reveals three plausible, but inconsistent, interpretations (discussed below).

Understanding the foundation for various interpretations requires some basic understanding of the rules for statutory interpretation. All three interpretations utilize differing rules for statutory interpretation to reach different conclusions.

Since the US Supreme Court has not instructed the lower courts on the correct or preferred way to interpret the Title VII religious organization exemption, each court is free to interpret the statute using the US Supreme Court rules for statutory interpretation.

The US Supreme Court has adopted a general guide to statutory interpretation for use by the lower courts. A complete review of the statutory interpretation rules isn’t possible for this article, but a few relevant rules should be noted.

First, the law should be given its plain meaning whenever possible.

Second, plain meaning should not be used if the language is ambiguous. Ambiguous means a reader could reasonably interpret the language in two or more ways.

If the language is ambiguous, the court should interpret the statute to give effect to every word because every word has a purpose.

If the statute remains ambiguous, the court should choose the interpretation to implement the congressional intent based on the legislative history.

Here, then, is a discussion of each interpretation and what each one might mean for a court’s decision.

Note. The italics used in the quoted matter in this section have been added for emphasis.

Interpretation 1: Textual or religiously motivated interpretation

The first interpretation is called the textual or religiously motivated interpretation. It indicates that the statute’s plain meaning requires that no part of Title VII applies to the employment practices of religious organizations.

Key point. This interpretation utilizes the first statutory interpretation rule: The statute should be given its plain meaning whenever possible.

The plain language of Title VII states that it “shall not apply … to a religious corporation, association, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such … [organization] of its activities” (42 U.S.C. § 2000e-1(a)). If this interpretation is utilized, no other rules of statutory interpretation apply.

Under this interpretation, none of Title VII applies to the religious organization. A church is free to discriminate regarding applicants and employees based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Based on this interpretation, if the church chooses not to hire a woman for a position because she is a woman, it is free to do so.

However, Congress has twice considered—and rejected—a blanket exemption for religious organizations. If a court found that the statute is ambiguous, the congressional rejection of this interpretation could invalidate this interpretation. Further, this interpretation potentially ignores the “employment of individuals of a particular religion” language.

Example. In 2023, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals left intact a lower court’s ruling in which it used the textual or religiously motivated interpretation method to find that Bear Creek Bible Church was exempt from Title VII as a religious organization (Briarwood Management, Inc. v. EEOC, ____ F.3d _______ (5th Cir. 2023)). This decision means the church could discriminate based on sexual orientation, sexual perception, gender identity, and transgender status without violating Title VII. The Fifth Circuit panel also ruled that the church could have different dress codes for men and women and require that employees use the bathroom associated with their biological gender.

Interpretation 2: The coreligionist interpretation

The second interpretation, the coreligionist interpretation, indicates that religious organizations may refuse to hire anyone not part of their denomination or church group.

Key point. This interpretation allows religious organizations to restrict employment to their denomination or church group.

The plain language of Title VII states that it “shall not apply … to a religious corporation, association, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such … [organization] of its activities” (42 U.S.C. § 2000e-1(a)).

Some courts believe this language is ambiguous because it does not explicitly address how the exemption applies to the other protected classes. Some courts then looked at the legislative history. The 1972 amendment to Title VII added a statutory definition of religion. It states, “The term “religion” includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief” (42 U.S.C. § 2000e-1(j)).

The authors of the 1972 amendment claimed the new language was to protect the religious rights of employees—not to expand the religious exemption of employers. Supposedly, the amended statute protected all religious organization employees instead of only those involved in religious activity.

Some courts have used this background in interpreting the Title VII religious organization exemption to prevent the application of Title VII to religious organizations only employing individuals who are part of the same denomination or church group.

This interpretation means that a Baptist church can require all its employees to be Baptist. It can also terminate an employee for failing to adhere to Baptist beliefs. It can refuse to hire Methodists. But the Baptist church must not discriminate against the other Title VII protected classes unless its discrimination is related to the church’s sincerely held religious beliefs.

Caution. All violations of such beliefs should provide comparable disciplinary actions. The inconsistent application of variances from their religious beliefs could lead a church into a potential Title VII violation if one of the protected classes is involved.

The US Supreme Court used this interpretation to allow a church to fire a gym worker at a facility owned by the church for failing to adhere to church beliefs and requirements (Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints v. Amos, 483 U.S. 327 (1987)).

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed this approach twice. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has also adopted this approach.

Interpretation 3: Belief and conduct interpretation

The third interpretation, called the belief and conduct interpretation, indicates that religious employers may discriminate based on religious beliefs as long those beliefs do not contradict the other protected classes of race, color, sex, or national origin.

Key point. This line of interpretation rejects the coreligionist and textual interpretation cases.

With the addition of the definition of religion, some courts believe that the artificial lines of church association were eliminated. Accordingly, no statutory basis exists for limiting the religious organization exemption to those who employ only individuals that are part of the denomination or church group.

Since the purpose of Title VII is to protect workers from specific types of discrimination, the exclusions from its coverage should be narrowly interpreted. These courts’ interpretation means that religious organizations may discriminate only based on the employee’s self-identified religious beliefs and practices that vary from the employing religious organization—and only if those beliefs do not relate to another Title VII protected class.

Example. A court affirmed the right of a Christian school owned and operated by a church to terminate a teacher who remarried after a divorce, contrary to the church’s teaching.

While the teacher was not of the same faith as the employer, she had agreed to follow the church’s teachings and beliefs while employed by the school. Since the teacher’s religious beliefs differed from the employer’s and were evidenced by her actions, the school could terminate her because it met the definition of a religious educational employer (Little v. Wuerl, 929 F.2d 944 (3d Cir. 1991).

With this interpretation, all potential applicants must review the organization’s religious beliefs before applying for the job and determine if such beliefs align with the applicants’ beliefs. Religious organizations may require potential applicants to take this step before applying for a position to attempt to come into alignment with this interpretation.

Suggestions for determining how to comply

Each church must determine how it will comply with Title VII. Here are four suggestions.

Purchase employment practices liability insurance

Every church with 15 or more employees should purchase employment practices liability insurance. This insurance benefits the church in two ways. First, it provides access to the insurance company’s risk management employment attorneys and HR professionals. Second, the insurance company will assist with the defense should an employee claim a Title VII violation. The policy should also cover employment related claims under the state equivalent of Title VII.

Identify ministerial exception positions

The church or ministry should distinguish and document ministerial exception positions from every other position. Since Title VII does not apply to the ministerial exception positions, the church does not face Title VII risk with those positions. (For more on this subject, see “Applying the Ministerial Exception to Church Employees.”

Review all pertinent documents

The church should review its governance documents, EEOC statements made by the church, the church’s employee handbook, and the church’s employment-related policies. If the EEOC statement includes “religion” as a protected class, the church will have a hard time claiming that it may discriminate based on religion. Further, the church should qualify its EEOC statement to say the church follows Title VII only to the extent that Title VII applies to it.

Require employment applicants to agree with the church’s beliefs statement

The church should require all potential applicants to agree with the church’s statement of beliefs before applying for any position. The employee handbook and employment policies should require employees to follow the church’s sincerely held beliefs and disciplinary action should occur for all identified violations. This practice will isolate the Title VII issue to religious discrimination. Religious discrimination cases without considering the other protected classes will likely be easier to defend.

Preparation creates clarity in employment practices

Title VII may or may not apply to the church or a religious ministry. Title VII may or may not apply to some employment positions. With this statute, it is not always clear. And similar state employment laws may include a different definition of religious organization and protected classes of employees.

Preparation creates clarity for employment decisions, so a church or ministry must decide its risk tolerance, especially when the church’s sincerely held religious beliefs conflict with Title VII’s protected classes of employees. The church must also indicate whether it believes Title VII applies to all nonministerial exception positions. As part of its determination, every church should engage competent legal counsel to assist in drafting employment practices consistent with its religious beliefs.

Return to series home page.

Frank Sommerville is a both a CPA and attorney, and a longtime Editorial Advisor for Church Law & Tax.

October Key Tax Dates 2022

Deadline for church employees with six-month extensions for filing 2021 tax returns—and other key dates to note.

Monthly Requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from the employee’s wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from the employee’s wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

October 17, 2022: Form 1040 due for taxpayers who filed for a six-month extension

Last day to file a 2021 federal income tax return (Form 1040) for taxpayers who obtained an automatic six-month extension by filing a Form 4868 by April 18, 2022 (April 19 if you live in Maine or Massachusetts).

October 30, 2022: File employer exemption (Form 8274)

Churches hiring their first nonminister employee between July 1 and September 30 may exempt themselves from the employer’s share of FICA (Social Security) taxes by filing Form 8274 by this date. (Nonminister employees are thereafter treated as self-employed for Social Security purposes).

The exemption is only available to churches that are opposed on the basis of religious principles to paying the employer’s share of FICA taxes.

October 31, 2022: File quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) with payment

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) must file an employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) for the third calendar quarter by this date.

Enclose a check in the total amount of all withheld taxes (withheld income taxes, withheld FICA taxes paid by the employee, and the employer’s share of FICA taxes) if less than $2,500 on September 30, 2022.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates September 2022

Make quarterly estimated payments and meet monthly or semiweekly requirements.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

September 15, 2022: Quarterly estimated tax payments for certain employees and churches

Filing for certain ministers and self-employed workers

Ministers (who have not elected voluntary withholding) and self-employed workers must file their third quarterly estimated federal tax payment for 2022 by this date. A similar rule applies in many states to payments of estimated state taxes.

Nonminister employees of churches that filed a timely Form 8274 (waiving the church’s obligation to withhold and pay FICA taxes) are treated as self-employed for Social Security, and as a result are subject to the estimated tax deadlines with respect to their self-employment (Social Security) taxes unless they ask their employing church to withhold an additional amount of income taxes from each paycheck that will be sufficient to cover self-employment taxes. Use a new Form W-4 to make this request (the additional withholding is reported on line 4(c)).

Payments for unrelated business income tax liability

A church must make quarterly estimated tax payments if it expects an unrelated business income tax liability for the year to be $500 or more. Use IRS Form 990-W to figure your estimated taxes. Quarterly estimated tax payments of one-fourth of the total tax liability are due by April 18 (April 19 if you live in Maine or Massachusetts), June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2022, for churches on a calendar-year basis. Deposit quarterly tax payments electronically using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates August 2022

File employer’s quarterly federal tax return and meet monthly or semiweekly requirements.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church or organization need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

August 10, 2022: Employer’s quarterly federal tax return—Form 941

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of July 31 if all taxes for the second calendar quarter have been deposited in full and on time.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates June 2022

Review housing allowance designations, make quarterly payments, and meet monthly or semiweekly requirements.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly.

Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month. Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church or organization need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

June 15, 2022: Quarterly estimated tax payments for certain employees and churches

Filing for certain ministers and self-employed workers

Ministers (who have not elected voluntary withholding) and self-employed workers must file their second quarterly estimated federal tax payment for 2022 by this date. A similar rule applies in many states to payments of estimated state taxes.

Nonminister employees of churches that filed a timely Form 8274 (waiving the church’s obligation to withhold and pay FICA taxes) are treated as self-employed for Social Security, and accordingly are subject to the estimated tax deadlines with respect to their self-employment (Social Security) taxes unless they ask their employing church to withhold an additional amount of income taxes from each paycheck that will be sufficient to cover self-employment taxes (use a new Form W-4, Step 4(c), to make this request).

Payments for unrelated business income tax liability

A church must make quarterly estimated tax payments if it expects an unrelated business income tax liability for the year to be $500 or more. Use IRS Form 990-W to figure your estimated taxes. Quarterly estimated tax payments of one-fourth of the total tax liability are due by April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2022, for churches on a calendar year basis. Deposit quarterly tax payments electronically using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

June 30, 2022: Review housing or parsonage allowance designations

Now is a good time to review the 2022 housing or parsonage allowances designated for all ministers on staff. If an allowance designated for 2022 is clearly below actual housing expenses, then the church board should consider declaring a larger portion of the minister’s remaining compensation as a housing or parsonage allowance.

A church is free to designate any portion of a minister’s compensation as a housing allowance, but remember that clergy who own their home cannot claim a housing allowance exclusion greater than the fair rental value of the home (furnished, including utilities). Therefore, the allowance ordinarily should not be significantly more than this amount.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates for May 2022

Along with monthly and semiweekly requirements, note quarterly filing and forms pertinent to your church or ministry.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly.

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Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month. Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church or organization need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

May 10, 2022: Employer’s quarterly federal tax return—Form 941

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of April 30 if all taxes for the first calendar quarter have been deposited in full and on time.

May 16, 2022: File forms 990, 990-T, and 5578

Information return—Form 990

An annual information return (Form 990) for tax-exempt organizations is due by this date for tax year 2021. Form 990 summarizes revenue, expenses, and services rendered. Organizations exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code must report additional information on Schedule A.

Note. Churches, conventions and associations of churches, “integrated auxiliaries” of churches, and church-affiliated elementary and secondary schools are among the organizations that are exempt from this reporting requirement. Organizations not exempt from this reporting requirement must file the Form 990 if they normally have annual gross receipts of $50,000 or more.

Unrelated business income tax return—Form 990-T

An unrelated business income tax return (Form 990-T) must be filed by this date by churches and any other organization exempt from federal income tax that had gross income from an unrelated trade or business of $1,000 or more in 2021.

Certificate of racial nondiscrimination—Form 5578

Annual certification (for calendar year 2021) of racial nondiscrimination by a private school exempt from federal income tax (Form 5578) must be filed by this date by schools that operate on a calendar-year basis.

Fiscal year schools must file the form by the 15th day of the fifth month following the end of their fiscal year. This form must be filed by preschools, primary and secondary schools, and colleges, whether operated as a separate legal entity or by a church.

If an organization is required to file Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax), or Form 990-EZ (Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax), the certification must be made on Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Schools, rather than on this form.

Key Tax Dates April 2022

Filing returns, key quarterly deadlines, exemptions, and more.

Monthly requirements

If your church reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly.

Monthly deposits are due by the 15th of the following month. Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly with a bank.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

April 18, 2022: Tax returns, amended returns, extension, exemption from Social Security, and quarterly payment

Individual tax returns

Federal income tax and self-employment tax returns by individuals for calendar year 2021 are due by this date.

Amended federal income tax returns

Last day for most taxpayers to file an amended federal income tax return (Form 1040X) for calendar year 2019 (unless you received an extension of time to file your 2019 return). See the instructions for Form 1040X on the IRS website.

Extension for file tax returns

Filing Form 4868 gives taxpayers until October 15 to file their 2021 tax return but does not grant an extension of time to pay taxes due. Taxpayers should pay their federal income tax due by April 15, 2022, to avoid interest and penalties.

Exemption from Social Security coverage

Last day to file an exemption from Social Security coverage (Form 4361) for most eligible clergy who began performing ministerial services in 2020 (deadline extended if applicant obtains an extension of time to file Form 1040).

Quarterly estimated tax payments for certain employees and churches

Ministers who have not elected voluntary withholding and self-employed workers must file their first quarterly estimated federal tax payment for 2022 by this date (a similar rule applies in many states to payments of estimated state taxes).

Nonminister employees of churches that filed a timely Form 8274 (waiving the church’s obligation to withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes) are treated as self-employed for Social Security purposes, and are subject to the estimated tax deadlines with respect to their self-employment (Social Security) taxes unless they ask their employing church to withhold an additional amount of income taxes from each paycheck (use a new Form W-4 to make this request) that will be sufficient to cover self-employment taxes.

A church must make quarterly estimated tax payments if it expects an unrelated business income tax liability for the year to be $500 or more. Use IRS Form 990-W to figure your estimated taxes. Quarterly estimated tax payments of one-fourth of the total tax liability are due by April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2022, for churches on a calendar year basis. Deposit quarterly tax payments electronically using EFTPS.

April 29, 2022: Employer exemption

Churches hiring their first nonminister employee between January 1, 2022, and March 31, 2022, may exempt themselves from the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes by filing Form 8274 by this date (nonminister employees are thereafter treated as self-employed for Social Security purposes).

The exemption is only available to churches that are opposed on the basis of religious principles to paying the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

April 30, 2022: Employer’s quarterly federal tax returns

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) must file an employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) for the first calendar quarter of 2022 by this date.

Enclose a check in the total amount of all payroll taxes (withheld income taxes, the withheld employee’s share of Social Security taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security taxes) if these taxes were less than $2,500 on March 31, 2022.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates March 2022

Monthly and semiweekly requirements for depositing payroll taxes.

Monthly requirements

If your church reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly.

Monthly deposits are due by the 15th the following month. Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022 the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly with a bank.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates February 2022

Forms 941, 1098-C, 1095-C, and 1094-C are due this month.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

February 10, 2022: Employer’s quarterly federal tax return due

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of January 31 if all taxes for the fourth calendar quarter (of 2021) have been deposited in full and on time.

February 28, 2022: IRS forms due

Filing IRS 1098-C for reporting vehicle sale or donation

Churches file Copy A of Form 1098-C with the IRS by this date to report the sale or use of a donated vehicle. Generally, you must furnish Copies B and C of this form to the donor no later than 30 days after the date of sale if box 4a is checked, or 30 days after the date of the contribution if box 5a or 5b is checked. If box 7 is checked, do not file Copy A with the IRS and do not furnish Copy B to the donor. You may furnish Copy C to the donor. The donor is required to obtain Copy C or a similar acknowledgment by the earlier of the due date (including extensions) of the donor’s income tax return for the year of the contribution or the date that the return is filed. If filing electronically, this form is due by March 31, 2022.

Filing 1095-C and 1094-C for applicable large employers and ACA compliance

Applicable large employers, generally employers with 50 or more full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) in the previous year, must file a Form 1095-C for each employee who was a full-time employee of the employer for any month of the previous calendar year by this date. Generally, the employer is required to furnish a copy of Form 1095-C (or a substitute form) to the employee.

The employer also files a Form 1094-C transmittal form with the IRS (including copies of each Form 1095-C). The purpose of this form is to ensure that applicable large employers are complying with the shared responsibility provisions of the ACA. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C must be issued by March 31, 2022, if issued electronically.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Advantage Member Exclusive

2022 Webinar Schedule

EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | Join Attorney and CPA Richard Hammar and finish the 2022 year well.

Editor’s note. Only Advantage Members have access to this schedule. Learn more on how to become an Advantage Member or upgrade your membership.

Among the many benefits of your Church Law & Tax Advantage Membership is access to exclusive webinars.

During last year’s series, we hosted a handful of webinars exclusively for Advantage Members. For instance, attorney Erika E. Cole offered insights on how church leaders considering mergers ought to approach legal and ministerial questions. In addition, attorney and CPA Frank Sommerville drew on his more than 30 years of legal and accounting experience to answer members’ employment related questions. You can watch these past webinars and others on demand.

This year, we plan to continue covering current events and topics that will help you lead your church and its various ministries with confidence.

Details and registration links to upcoming Advantage Member and free webinars will be added to this schedule throughout the year. Bookmark this page to stay updated when a new webinar is announced. You can also catch up on webinars you might’ve missed from this series here.


We are currently making plans for our next webinar. In the meantime, we encourage you to catch up on our most recent webinar below. Also, be sure to check out any webinars you might have missed from this series. They are available to watch on-demand.

Finishing 2022 Well

Getting year-end tasks right–and setting up 2023 for success. Watch now to learn everything you need to know to finish the 2022 year-end well.

IRS Bumps 2025 Business Use Mileage Rate to 70 Cents Per Mile

The IRS has once again increased the business use mileage rate. Moving, medical, and charitable rates remain unchanged.

Last Reviewed: January 6, 2025

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released the 2025 optional standard mileage rates. These rates are used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.

Effective January 1, 2025, the rates are:

  • 70 cents per mile driven for business use (up 3 cents from the 2024 rate).
  • 21 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for certain members of the Armed Forces (no change from the 2024 rate).
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations (it takes an act of Congress to change this rate).

Note: The rates apply to electric and hybrid-electric automobiles, as well as gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.

Don’t wait! Start 2025 on a good footing with a Church Law & Tax Advantage Membership and gain access to cohorts, webinars, product discounts, and more, including full access to trusted content from our trusted team of legal, tax, finance, HR and technology advisors.

Limitations created under Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, taxpayers cannot:

  • claim a miscellaneous itemized deduction for unreimbursed employee travel expenses and,
  • cannot claim a deduction for moving expenses, unless they are members of the Armed Forces on active duty moving under orders to a permanent change of station. See Moving Expenses for Members of the Armed Forces for more details

Taxpayers can calculate the actual costs of using their vehicle rather than using the standard mileage rates. Taxpayers can usually only use the standard mileage rate in the first year a car is available for business use. In later years, taxpayers can choose either the standard mileage rate or actual expenses.

Leased vehicles must use the standard mileage rate method for the entire lease period (including renewals). This applies if the standard mileage rate is chosen.

What does the business mileage rate increase mean for churches?

Increased amounts of reimbursement represent increased budget expenses, and that means adjusting budgets in ways that affect other ministry spending.

Conversely, eliminating or reducing reimbursements shifts the burden to pastors and employees using personal vehicles for church-related business.

Note: Unreimbursed employee business expenses are not deductible under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “Act”). As a result, pastors and employees with unreimbursed mileage cannot seek tax relief on next year’s federal income tax returns. The act allows for a reinstatement of the deduction for unreimbursed employee business expenses after 2025.

You may also want read through this Q&A with CPA and Church Law & Tax Senior Editorial Advisor Michael Batts.

One final note:

Churches with an accountable reimbursement arrangement can reimburse eligible employees who use their vehicles for church-related business. Employees and pastors must properly track and document their business miles under these arrangements.

Unreimbursed employee business expenses are not deductible. Therefore, employees can no longer calculate a mileage deduction on their annual tax returns.


2021 Church Law & Tax Webinars

Missed a webinar? Now you can view it on-demand.

Each year the staff of presents educational webinars featuring our panel of church law, tax, finance and management experts. While most webinars are free of charge, several are open to Advantage Members only.Don’t miss our next webinar! Subscribe to our free e-newsletter to get registration alerts.

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Related Topics:

The Top 10 Articles on Church Law & Tax in 2021

HR topics of greatest interest; plus the 5 top viewed webinars.

The coronavirus pandemic remained front and center throughout 2021. While the country felt some relief with the growing numbers of the population vaccinated, preventive measures like masking, social distancing, and online services continued in many churches. The economy continued to struggle from the effects of the pandemic, with rising prices leaving many worried about the possibility of out-of-control and long-term inflation.

As reflected by two of our top articles and one of our leading webinars, church leaders continued to look for financial assistance from federal pandemic-relief programs. Also reflecting the financial concerns among readers, our coverage of a key loan forgiveness program garnered much interest as clergy and other church workers looked for ways to reduce lingering student loan debt. Additionally, one of our top webinars addressed the financial challenges and changes brought about by the pandemic.

We believe many of our top articles and webinars will be helpful to churches in 2022 as they continue to deal with the difficult financial dynamics created by the pandemic and other economic-related issues.

Our other top content from 2021 will be valuable to many churches in the months to come as they anticipate summer internships, seek a better understanding of housing allowances, and seek help with employee issues unique to churches, among other areas of interest represented by both lists.

The list of the ten most-viewed articles is generally based on unique page views and starts with the tenth-most uniquely viewed piece and ends with the article that received the most unique page views. Our 2021 list includes two Recommended Reading pages, which are collections of articles focused on specific topics.

Our list of top webinars in 2021 follows our article list, starting with the webinar that had the fifth-highest attendance and ending with the webinar with the highest attendance.

10. Internships: Blessings or Blind Spots?
Here’s how churches can avoid tripping up on important legal, tax, and risk management issues with interns.
By Frank Sommerville

9. IRS: Churches with Employer Identification Numbers Must Keep Information Current
Prompt updates can help avoid unnecessary interest charges and penalties, deter fraudulent activity.
By The Editors

8. Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay Requirements May Apply to More Church Employees
A look at how the recent withdrawal of the Independent Contractor Rule by the Biden administration affects churches.
By Richard R. Hammar

7. The Top 6 Church Management Conferences for 2021
These events focus on key legal, finance updates for church leaders nationwide.
By the Editors

Note: Be sure to see our new list of 2022 conferences.

6. Applying the Ministerial Exception to Church Employees
Understanding this key legal doctrine, how it works, and when it matters—or doesn’t—for specific positions.
By Frank Sommerville

5. Housing Allowance Basics
Understanding the most important tax benefit available to ministers.
A Recommended Reading page featuring Richard R. Hammar, Vonna Laue, Ted R. Batson Jr, and Frank Sommerville

4. Four Key Employee Issues Unique to Churches—and How to Navigate Them
How the ministerial exception, job descriptions, internships, and employee handbooks can make your ministry sink or swim.
A Recommended Reading page featuring Frank Sommerville

3. How Churches May Benefit from COVID-19 Relief’s Employee Retention Credit
If certain criteria are met, congregations, nonprofits, and schools are potentially eligible to receive thousands of dollars.
By Kaylyn Varnum, Michele Wales, and Mike Batts

2. Key Loan Forgiveness Program Change May Help Church Workers with Student Debt
Education department expands eligibility after 2017 Trinity Lutheran decision—but acceptance is still no certainty.
By Matthew J. Branaugh

1. What the New Coronavirus Stimulus Package Means for Churches
New law clarifies PPP loan forgiveness process and extends PPP loan program, among other provisions.
By Ted R. Batson Jr

Top five webinars (on-demand videos)

5. The Basics of Running a Legally Sound Church Business Meeting
Attorneys Richard Hammar and Sarah E. Merkle discuss best practices for implementing and following parliamentary procedures.
Featuring Richard R. Hammar and Sarah E. Merkle

4. Fraud in the Church: What We Learned from 700 Church Leaders
Discover the results of our 2021 church fraud survey and the best practices for reducing vulnerabilities.
Featuring Vonna Laue and Matthew Branaugh

3. Significant Source of Federal Funds for Eligible Churches
Determining whether your church qualifies for the Employee Retention Credit.
Featuring Michael E. Batts and Kaylyn Varnum

2. Church and Nonprofit Ministry Finance: Planning for the New Normal
Discussing the challenges and changes the pandemic has brought and what it means for leaders.
Featuring Mike Batts

1. Avoiding Unexpected Surprises with Church Compensation
Asking and answering key questions about housing, love gifts, sabbatical plans, expense reimbursements, and other situations that churches face.
Featuring Elaine L. Sommerville

Key Tax Dates January 2022

Note deadlines for payroll taxes, fourth quarter estimated payment, and various forms.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2022, the lookback period is July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65 percent of wages), and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (an additional 7.65 percent of employee wages).

January 1, 2022: Payroll Taxes

Social Security and Medicare taxes

Employees and employers each pay Social Security and Medicare taxes equal to 7.65 percent of an employee’s wages. The tax rate does not change in 2022.

The 7.65 percent tax rate is comprised of two components: 1) a Medicare hospital insurance tax of 1.45 percent, and 2) an “old age, survivor and disability” (Social Security) tax of 6.2 percent. There is no maximum amount of wages subject to the Medicare tax. The tax is imposed on all wages regardless of amount.

For 2022, the maximum wages subject to Social Security taxes (the 6.2 percent amount) is $147,000. Stated differently, employees who receive wages in excess of $147,000 in 2022 pay the full 7.65 percent tax rate for wages up to $147,000, and the Medicare tax rate of 1.45 percent on all earnings above $147,000. Employers pay an identical amount. The Medicare tax rate for certain high-income taxpayers increases by an additional 0.9 percent.

Self-employment taxes

The self-employment tax rate (15.3 percent) does not change in 2022. The 15.3 percent tax rate consists of two components: (1) a Medicare hospital insurance tax of 2.9 percent, and (2) an “old age, survivor and disability” (Social Security) tax of 12.4 percent. There is no maximum amount of self-employment earnings subject to the Medicare tax. The tax is imposed on all net earnings regardless of amount.

For 2022, the maximum earnings subject to the Social Security portion of self-employment taxes (the 12.4 percent amount) is $147,000. Stated differently, persons who receive compensation in excess of $147,000 in 2022 pay the combined 15.3 percent tax rate for net self-employment earnings up to $147,000, and only the Medicare tax rate of 2.9 percent on earnings above $147,000. The Medicare tax rate for certain high-income taxpayers increases by an additional 0.9 percent.

These rules directly impact ministers, who are considered self-employed for Social Security with respect to their ministerial services. Ministers should take these rules into account in computing their quarterly estimated tax payments.

Federal incomes taxes

Beginning on this date, churches having nonminister employees (or a minister who has elected voluntary withholding) should begin withholding federal income taxes from employee wages.

To know how much federal income tax to withhold from employees’ wages, employers should have a Form W-4 on file for each employee. Employees should file an updated Form W-4 for 2022, especially if they owed taxes or received a large refund when filing their previous tax return.

Employees should use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to determine accurate withholding.

January 15, 2022: Fourth quarter estimated taxes due

Ministers (who have not elected voluntary withholding) and self-employed workers must file their fourth quarterly estimated federal tax payment for 2021 by this date (a similar rule applies in many states to payments of estimated state taxes).

Employees of churches that filed a timely Form 8274 (waiving the church’s obligation to withhold and pay FICA taxes) are treated as self-employed for Social Security purposes, and accordingly are subject to the estimated tax deadlines with respect to their self-employment (Social Security) taxes unless they have entered into a voluntary withholding arrangement with their employing church or organization.

January 31, 2022: Tax forms due

File Form 941

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) must file an employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) for the fourth calendar quarter of 2021 by this date. Enclose a check in the total amount of all withheld taxes (withheld income taxes, withheld Social Security and Medicare taxes paid by the employee, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes) if less than $2,500 on December 31, 2021.

Copies of W-2s for employees

Churches must furnish Copies B, C, and 2 of Form W-2 (“wage and tax statement”) to each person who was an employee during 2021 by this date. This requirement applies to clergy who report their federal income taxes as employees rather than as self-employed, even though they are not subject to mandatory income tax (or FICA) withholding. Nonminister church employees must also receive a W-2.

Filing W-2s and W-3s with the Social Security Administration

Churches must send Copy A of Forms W-2, along with Form W-3, to the Social Security Administration by this date. If you file electronically, the due date is also January 31, 2022.

Copies of 1099-NEC for self-employed persons

Churches must issue Copy B of Form 1099-NEC (“nonemployee compensation”) to any self-employed person to whom the church paid nonemployee compensation of $600 or more in 2021 by this date.

This form (rather than a W-2) should be provided to clergy who report their federal income taxes as self-employed, since the Tax Court and the IRS have both ruled that a worker who receives a W-2 rather than a 1099-NEC is presumed to be an employee rather than self-employed.

Other persons to whom churches may be required to issue a Form 1099-NEC include evangelists, guest speakers, contractors, and part-time custodians.

Filing 1099-NEC and 1096 with the IRS

Churches must send Copy A of Forms 1099-NEC, along with Form 1096, to the IRS by this date.

Distributing 1099-INT

Churches must distribute a 2021 1099-INT form to any person paid $600 or more in interest during 2021 by this date (a $10 rule applies in some cases).

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates December 2021

Housing allowance designations, year-end transactions, 2021 donations, and more.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2021, the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2021, the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

December 15, 2021: Complete year-end transactions and make UBIT payments

Year-end transactions

Complete all year-end transactions to be sure that they are reportable on your income tax return.

Payment for unrelated business income tax liability

A church must make quarterly estimated tax payments if it expects an unrelated business income tax (UBIT) liability for the year to be $500 or more. Use IRS Form 990-W to figure your estimated taxes. For 2021, quarterly estimated tax payments of one-fourth of the total tax liability are due by April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2021, for churches on a calendar-year basis. Deposit quarterly tax payments using Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

December 31, 2021: Housing and Parsonage allowance designations, donations for 2021, and more

Housing allowance

Churches must designate a portion of each minister’s compensation as a housing allowance by this date in order for ministers who own or rent their homes to receive the full benefit of a housing allowance exclusion for calendar year 2022.

The designation should be adopted during a regular or special meeting of the church board and should be contained in the written minutes of the meeting.

Parsonage allowance

Churches should designate a parsonage allowance for any minister who lives in a parsonage and who is expected to pay some of the expenses of maintaining the parsonage (e.g., utilities, furnishings, repairs, improvements, yard care).

Checks for 2021 donations

Donors must deliver checks on or by this date to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2021. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the first worship service in 2022 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2021, even if the check is predated to 2021 or was written in 2021. However, checks that are written, mailed, and postmarked in 2021 will be deductible in 2021 even though they are not received by a church until 2022.

Marital status

An employee’s marital status on this date determines his or her filing status for the year.

Reclassifying someone as an employee

If you have a minister or lay worker who is treated as self-employed for federal income tax reporting purposes, but who you would like to reclassify as an employee, the ideal time to make the change is on January 1, 2022.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates November 2021

Deadlines for quarterly federal tax return and employer exemption.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2021, the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2021, the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

November 1, 2021: File Form 941 and Form 8247

Quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) with payment

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) must file an employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date.

Enclose a check in the total amount of all withheld taxes (withheld income taxes, withheld FICA taxes paid by the employee, and the employer’s share of FICA taxes) if less than $2,500 on September 30, 2021.

Employer exemption (Form 8247)

Churches hiring their first nonminister employee between July 1 and September 30 may exempt themselves from the employer’s share of FICA (Social Security) taxes by filing Form 8274 by this date. (Nonminister employees are thereafter treated as self-employed for Social Security purposes).

The exemption is only available to churches that are opposed on the basis of religious principles to paying the employer’s share of FICA taxes.

November 10, 2021: File Form 941 if third quarter taxes deposited in full, on time

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of November 1 if all taxes for the third calendar quarter have been deposited in full and on time.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates October 2021

Deadline for church employees with six-month extensions for filing 2020 tax returns.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from the employee’s wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from the employee’s wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

October 15, 2021: Tax returns due for church employees with extensions

Last day to file a 2020 federal income tax return for taxpayers who obtained an automatic six-month extension by filing a Form 4868 by April 15, 2021.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates September 2021

Make quarterly estimated payments and meet monthly or semiweekly requirements.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes. Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

September 15, 2021: Quarterly estimated tax payments for certain employees and churches

Filing for certain ministers and self-employed workers

Ministers (who have not elected voluntary withholding) and self-employed workers must file their third quarterly estimated federal tax payment for 2021 by this date. A similar rule applies in many states to payments of estimated state taxes.

Nonminister employees of churches that filed a timely Form 8274 (waiving the church’s obligation to withhold and pay FICA taxes) are treated as self-employed for Social Security, and as a result are subject to the estimated tax deadlines with respect to their self-employment (Social Security) taxes unless they ask their employing church to withhold an additional amount of income taxes from each paycheck that will be sufficient to cover self-employment taxes (use a new Form W-4 to make this request).

Payments for unrelated business income tax liability

A church must make quarterly estimated tax payments if it expects an unrelated business income tax liability for the year to be $500 or more. Use IRS Form 990-W to figure your estimated taxes. Quarterly estimated tax payments of one-fourth of the total tax liability are due by April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2021, for churches on a calendar-year basis. Deposit quarterly tax payments electronically using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.

Key Tax Dates August 2021

File Form 941 and meet monthly or semiweekly requirements.

Monthly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of $50,000 or less during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then withheld payroll taxes are deposited monthly. Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month.

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Note, however, that if withheld taxes are less than $2,500 at the end of any calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31), the church need not deposit the taxes.

Instead, it can pay the total withheld taxes directly to the IRS with its quarterly Form 941. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Semiweekly requirements

If your church or organization reported withheld taxes of more than $50,000 during the most recent lookback period (for 2021 the lookback period is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020), then the withheld payroll taxes are deposited semiweekly.

This means that for paydays falling on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payroll taxes must be deposited on or by the following Wednesday. For all other paydays, the payroll taxes must be deposited on the Friday following the payday.

Note further that large employers having withheld taxes of $100,000 or more at the end of any day must deposit the taxes by the next banking day. The deposit days are based on the timing of the employer’s payroll. Withheld taxes include federal income taxes withheld from employee wages, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

August 10, 2021: Employer’s quarterly federal tax return—Form 941

Churches having nonminister employees (or one or more ministers who report their federal income taxes as employees and who have elected voluntary withholding) may file their employer’s quarterly federal tax return (Form 941) by this date instead of July 31 if all taxes for the second calendar quarter have been deposited in full and on time.

Richard R. Hammar is an attorney, CPA and author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy.
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